Joint meeting of INSAS & SUSTAIN

29 – 31 May 2024 | Valencia, Spain

Salt-affected soils: threats and potentials Joint meeting of the International network of salt-affected soils (INSAS) and the COST Action on the sustainable use of salt-affected lands (SUSTAIN) 27-31 May, 2024 Valencia, Spain

Photos by Rachel Parsons

It is our great pleasure to share with you the outcomes of the meeting of our COST Action SUSTAIN during the joint INSAS and SUSTAIN International workshop on Salt-affected soils: threats and potentials in Valencia, 27-21 May, 2024. Over two insightful days, this milestone event brought together 66 participants from 27 countries attending in person and 245 participants from 71 countries participating online. The full agenda, presentations and posters of this meeting are available this link.

During these two days, we also held a separate COST technical session and management committee meeting where we covered the report on progress of the Action and each working group since the start (November 2023), identification of the priorities and key actions to meet planned deliverables for the upcoming years. A full report of the COST technical session is available below.



COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

COST Action CA22144

Salinisation, the accumulation of water-soluble salts in the soil, is one of the major causes of soil degradation affecting 833 million hectares of land and 1.5 billion inhabitants worldwide. However, these lands can be used by applying saline agriculture, involving soil, water and salt-tolerant crop management methods.

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